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Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Fraud of Nobama's Nobel Peace Prize

October 9, 2009, it is announced that Nobama, who has done nothing but be an apolgist for the U.S. in the 9 short months of his presidency, has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Let's see who some of the other nominees were:

Hu Kia & Wei Jingsheng - Human rights and AIDS activists who spent 3.5 and 17 years in prison respectively for what the Chinese government called "subversion."

Seema Samar - Afghan Human Rights activists. She is a UN envoy to Darfur in Africa fighting for women's rights. She is a medical Doctor, her husband was arrested, she was forced to flee her country amid death threats all for having the audacity of questioning Sharia Law and standing up for women's rights.

Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad - A Jordanian, educated in the US and a leading proponent of Interfaith dialogue. He led an effort in 2005 called " Theological counter attack against terrorism".

Columbian Senator Piedad Cordoba - Head of "Columbians for Peace". She has attempted to negotiate a peace between her government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia. She secured the release of 16 hostages and was kidnapped herself in 1999.

And the winner is...............Nobama. How embarrassing.

Thanks to C.K. for the contribution.

Nobama Raised My Credit Card Interest Rate

Have you read the notice that came last month from your credit card company? If your company is like mine, your rates are doubling, up to almost 25%. Why? Its because responsible people who actually pay their bills have to bail out those who don't pay theirs. Thanks to Nobama's credit card legislation that he signed awhile back to bail out deadbeats and enable the irresponsible who can't live within their means, the credit card companies got screwed in terms of being unable to collect like they did in the past. In true liberal fashion, they fail to see that the screw-ness will be passed along to the responsible customers as higher interest rates. This ultimately screws the responsible customers, and rewards the "ghetto mentality" of irresonsibility. Maybe next month, when people get their bill and see how their interest rate jumped, this will make the news.

Health Care Debate

The Senate votes later today on the "health care rationing, let the elderly wither and die" bill. How interesting that earlier this week, the government released new recommendations for less frequent mammograms and pap smears for women. In other words, less health care is preferred. Coincidence? Only a fool would think so. The timing is what should clue you in to this being part of Nobama's continuing plan to change the world as we know it....for the worse.