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Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Note on Today's Political Climate

I came across this tidbit while surfing the 'net, and it hits the nail on the head:

Take 60’s hippie counter-culture with its “free love & free drugs”, replacing those with “free EVERYTHING” paid for by the working class; mix in technology that has decimated human interaction to the point of being in constant communication with the world without ever having to speak face-to-face with one single individual; add in several helpings of mega-narcissism (their parents obviously never taught them “the world doesn’t revolve around you!”); throw in this thinking that popular media, entertainment, and academia as they exist now are THE MAJORITY speaking for THE MAJORITY, when in all actuality – as Trump’s election proves – they are simply a MINORITY speaking so vociferously that it just SOUNDS as if they’re the majority; and last but not least, add in the concerted efforts to bring down Christianity not only as a religion but as a way of life, and in doing so demonizing (“call evil, good and call good, evil”) all that sustains a civilization, virtues such as family, faith, service… all long-standing, grounded precepts that seek not to destroy but persevere. 

 The result of all this is what we see all around us now. --Author unknown

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The (Liberal Wacko) Women's March Happened

Why that freak show of an event is given any legitimacy is beyond me. Pro-Life women's groups were banned, one of the organizers is for Sharia law and another one tortured a man to death. And true to form, the media wanted to portray this as mainstream. Let the memes fly:

Rest assured that this does not represent the majority of women. Thankfully there are those willing to speak out for the majority:

Drop the mike.