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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Supporting Arizona

Liberal idiots (e.g.-U. S. Atty. Gen. Holder) continue to criticize the Arizona immigration bill without reading it first.  Well, so that my readers don't speak out of ignorance like the libs, here is a link to the bill so that you actually know what we're talking about:

This week, Arizona passed another law outlawing ethnic studies.  I'm telling you, this is a state that 'gets it.' I'm heartened to see that they don't support the divisivness of those who aim to rip our country apart by promoting racism.  This is one of the oldest battles conservatives have been fighting (i.e.-against those who don't accept the 'melting pot' concept).  Fighting for a colorblind society in America is hard enough without morons who promote one ethnic group over another.  Kudos to Arizona!  Here is a link to the law:

While looking for ways to support Arizona's state government for doing the right things recently, I came across their state park gift shop.  Feel free to purchase something.  I heard some groups are boycotting anything Arizona, so I'm purchasing a shirt.

Here is a link to some Arizona businesses to support them:

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