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Friday, September 24, 2010

Comments on News Articles

We all know that with the explosion of internet news sources, the vast majority of outlets allow readers to post comments. I usually don't read them because they're usually libs and that just ticks me off.  But sometimes the "good guys" post and they are right on the money.  They are usually saying what I'm thinking.

One example is that, some time ago there was an article in the local fish-wrap (internet version) about inner city violence, and they quoted a liberal sociology professor (or someone of that ilk) concerning the street violence.  For context, you need to know that he was from Widener University, located in Chester, PA (one of the most dangerous & violent cities on the east coast).  One comment on the article stood out to the point that I saved it to post here:

--These ultra-liberal, pseudo-elitist white professors kill me. They live in their gated, cookie-cutter communities, far detached from the street violence everyday people are subjected to. They whine and squeal about the brutality of the police state. They rant about racial profiling (this guy has even written publications on this issue), and they cry about our civil liberties and rights being violated. All from the safety and sanctuary of their air-conditioned offices and leather chairs, with security guards roaming the university grounds to protect them. Then they go home to their all-white, security-alarmed suburban prisons and pat themselves on the back for being so diverse and politically correct. When's the last time this fraud drove down 4th St. in Wilmington or walked outside the friendly confines of Widener? It's so easy to point fingers when you perch your cowardly rear in an Ivory Tower.

Another example is that there were articles on the 'net this past summer about the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act to be voted on by congress.  First of all, don't you love how the libs couch their handout bills in sympathetic language? Here's a link to the bill sure to cure your insomnia.  The gist of the bill is to increase funding for school lunch programs. Here's a liberal NPR take on the controversy.

Oh yeah, back to my original point.  The local rag here had its version of the article about the bill, and apparently the 10 conservatives in this bluest of blue states decided to comment.  Enjoy!

--When I worked for this state trying to keep track of people who needed tracking, I was always amazed at how many were receiving welfare and had their kids signed up for every hand-out available, yet could manage new rims, sound systems in the trunk, 30 in. gold chains, the latest cell phones and a never ending supply of 40oz. bottles of Ole English and Newports. It is what it is. Lazy people taking advanatage of having kids they have no plans to support properly. They send their kids off to school to be fed and babysat, yet never show their faces at parent/teacher conferences or school activities. They usually show up only if their kid gets suspended to scream and yell at the staff for "picking on their child" and do this only so the kid isn't home with them. If you can insist your kid gets free food, it should be mandatory that you show up at every conference and open house. These kids only learn one lesson out of this..LAZINESS AND ENTITLEMENT.

--Everyone ultimately feels sorry for the kids but what they don't realize is that those kids are going to grow up and be just like good 'ole Mom and Baby Daddy...wherever he might be. These handouts, I mean entitlements, I mean freebies, are the direct result of politicians who believe that the more they give away the better their chances of getting re-elected. November is coming, make a statement because before long there will not be enough of us left to support these ridiculous morons that are leading us to the edge of the cliff. Maybe we'll get a free lunch on our way. Nope, don't qualify.

--By the way, subsidizing food cost at school only increases cost for those who actually pay for their kids. Not only are they paying tax dollars for subsidies, they are paying higher cost because the government is subsidizing, driving up prices.

--Isn't there ANYTHING families need to do for themselves anymore? Like waiting to have kids until they can support them (married???) and then feeding them? We're encouraging generational fecklessness.

--Give me a break, is the government going to start providing them with an Iphone since they can't afford to pay their cell phone bill. It's funny how at these poverty schools how you see the nice cell phones and vehicles, but they can't afford to pay for their kids meal. They don't want to spend their discretionary $$$ on necessities, not the American way, Uncle Sam will take care of you. This country is going down the drain. People don't understand, the government has to stop giving the fish away and start handing out fishing poles. These people will never want to get off the governments handouts they must be forced off of them and forced to work. The government must learn to be harsh to strengthen our resolve, and quit babying the lazy. 

--It's called personal responsibility and living within your means. It's called making smart decisions and sacrificing un-essential material goods. What do they do with their WIC and Food Stamps monthly stipend? "I can't afford to feed my children," says the manicured parent with diamond-studded earrings as she talks into her iPhone or Blackberry, hanging out of her $40,000 SUV with those 25" chrome rims that cost $1100 each. While the working taxppayers in this country foot the bill for my kids, I'm going to go home to my subsidized apartment or townhouse, put my feet up and watch Oprah on my 52" HDTV. What? Me work? Why should I? The "guvment" gives me everything I need. This is generational. When will you people face the truth? The more you give, the more they take and the less incentive and initiative there is to support themselves and their children. If a parent can't afford a few dollars a day for breakfast and lunch, then they are the problem. The taxpayer is not the solution. 

--If you can't afford kids - feed, bathe, and clothe them - then don't have them. Its a huge commitment that everybody else ends up paying for one reason or another. Other people's children are not our responsibility - to feed, bathe, and clothe - but rather they are the responsibility of the parents who gave them life. 

--Is it that costly to make your kids pb sandwiches? Does it take that much time? Why does government need to assume parental responsibilities? 

--You can make two weeks worth of peanut butter sandwiches for less than a pack of Kools. Go drive through our "poor" areas and check out the Dish TVs, cell phones and fat people. The pit bulls seem to get fed! The city collects trash twice a week per household and they still throw fast food trash on the street. This is crap, and everybody knows it. Lazy bums sucking on the teet of working people. Disgusting. 

--I don't know, maybe.....STOP HAVING KIDS THAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD. IF YOU CAN"T SUPPORT YOURSELF THEN YOU CAN'T SUPPORT 8 FATHERLESS CHILDREN. Those eight fatherless children will each follow in the same footsteps and have 8 fatherless children themselves, the problem is multiplying at rates the working taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidize. You should be punished for bringing lives into the world that you can't support, not rewarded.

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