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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Thoughts on the AZ Shooting

First the shooting happened, then they showed the shooter:

My first thought:  Uncle Fester

Let's review the aftermath.  The left, led by Sheriff Dipshit (Clarence Dupnic), started blaming it on conservative radio and conservative politicians.  Then it was discovered that the deranged nutcase had an obsession with the politician he shot, didn't follow politics, and damn sure wasn't influenced by conservatives.  The truth came out and Sherriff Dipshit still carries the liberal line. You lefties can lick my underarm.  Next, Sarah Palin uses the perfect metaphor (Blood Libel), and the PC crowd goes wild. Well guess what, you PC candy-asses, get over it. Take your sensitivity and shove it.  It was the perfect metaphor for what you did to conservatives.

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