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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Gay Marriage

The Supreme Court has decided not to hear any gay marriage cases. What bugs me is that gay marriage has been legalized by judicial activism that has over-ridden the will of the people in the states that have chosen not to legalize it. While perusing a message board where the issue was being discussed, and recognizing that readers here do not have the context of that conversation, a poster with the handle "Nightwatch" had the best comment I've seen in a while:

This whole mess illustrates why I am a conservative and not a libertarian with an utter lack of moral integrity.

This is a War on Religion in utter disregard and contempt of the US Constitution, and a complete trampling of the rule of law. 

How this was and is being done should concern even those in favor of same-sex depravity; by the wholesale disregard of the legislative process and over-ride of voter amendments to state constitutions by activist judges inventing new legal theories without any basis in our Constitution. No where in our founding documents is "marriage" listed. Anything not listed in the Constitution as a federal responsibility is reserved to the states and the people - and the Feds just overrode both the states and the people. 

Color me thoroughly disgusted with the Courts, our Feds, and our libertine libertarians who have betrayed our Constitution with some pretty inventive mental gymnastics followed by utterly unconvincing declarations of having won the argument. You all sound like (spit) liberals.

Boom!  I agree completely.

My problem with the gay community is their activism. It wasn't good enough for them to have state-recogniged Civil Unions, with all the accompanying legal rights, tax benefits, etc.  No, they had to take it one step further and attack the institution of marriage.  That's where I get pissed.

How did our world become a place where .5% to, at most, 1.8% of the population got so much political clout?  It doesn't make sense.

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