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Monday, August 10, 2009

Illegal Immigation Hits Close to Home

(This post first appeared in April 2006 as part of my web site.)

Many people claim to be concerned about illegal immigration in this country as they academically discuss the issue from the comfort of their fancy home. They feign indignation because of so many they call their local landscaper for lawn maintenance (who probably has a whole crew of illegals working for them). But they don't know SQUAT about the issue. You see, I have to live with it every day. Lets take a look at the "safe house" for illegals next to me.

A nice collection of appliances (is a bathtub really an appliance?) in the yard gives the "safe house" that lived-in look. The trash overflowing into the street so carelessly adds that third world charm. The black oil stains in the street compliment the green lawn oh-so-well. The green car parked across from my driveway makes backing up an adventure every time. Politeness has not worked in asking them not to park there. What the picture doesn't show is that there are usually 6-8 cars parked there.

Their behavior couldn't be more obnoxious. I'm sick and tired of the illegals' friends coming to pick them up at 4:00 a.m. and leaning on the horn instead of getting out of the car to go knock on the door.


Here's how they go unnoticed. The home owners (who may or may not be legal immigrants) live on the main and upper floors, giving the appearance of a normal family enjoying a normal life in the USA. Their cars are even registered in the state they live. They rent the basement to a revolving door of illegals who never stay there more than a few months (presumably until they can get their fake paperwork in order). What they do to not make it so obvious that its a "safe house" is to overlap their stays and have both singles and couples living there.

For example, couple D will move in two months before couple C move out so it appears that the same number of people are there. Likewise with man B moving in the same weekend that man A moves out. These basement-dwellers always have out-of-state license plates and never register their cars where they live. At times there have been 4 different couples living in the basement at the same time. Oh, and did I mention they procreate like rabbits? They seem pregnant year-round. They stay at the "safe house" just long enough to take advantage of this country's Medicaid system (your tax dollars) while having their kids. At any given time there are different kids playing in the yard whom I've never seen before.

Eventually, these criminals send their kids to public school without, of course, paying any school taxes. What's worse is that in my state, these tax-evaders get an equal vote with me (an actual property owner) when referendums come up to raise school taxes (property tax). Am I ticked off? You bet.

This is the stuff of which true Americans are getting tired, and I'm one of them. This is not just my issue, this is America's issue. I can't stand it when liberals romanticize the issue by calling these scumbags "undocumented citizens," or my favorite, "migrant workers." These people are criminals the moment they step over the border, and ought to be treated as such. They are an insult to all the law-abiding immigrants who come here legally.

This issue is America's shame. When is this country going to get serious about border security? Not when presidents and congress worry more about getting the minority vote than doing the right thing. It will probably take another 9/11 from a weapon smuggled through the Mexican border for the government to do anything about it.

On the positive side, from time to time I detect a groundswell of discontent in this country concerning the issue, as evidenced by the Minuteman Project. Political parties in the U.S. would do well to take notice, because someday things are going to boil over. And it might just be in my neighborhood.

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