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Friday, May 27, 2016

Bathroom Controversy

So Obama wants to tell us what bathroom to use. I don't remember seeing government's role in bathroom management in the Constitution.  Oh silly me, the Libtard-In-Chief doesn't believe in the Constitution, so we shouldn't be surprised.

Why is it that the LGBTQF community is .01 to .03 percent of the U.S. population, but 99.97 % have to bow down to them? This is the liberal way. Its really not about a little freaky-freaky in the bathroom, its about big government telling us how to live our lives.  The left never stops, do they? Here are some articles about liberalism on display:


Obama Threatens Schools: Let Men In the Little Girls' Room Or Else

Federal control over public schools has sent them into a death spiral, exemplified in the Obama administration’s new demands. Families need a new education ecosystem free from federal bullying.
The Obama administration is sending out an edict today to every school district in the country, insisting they open bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers to all children, regardless of sex, or risk federal discrimination lawsuits and yanked federal funds. Schools must treat children as transgender and thus entitled to open facilities access as soon as parents say they are, not after a medical diagnosis or birth certificate change. Schools may, however, give all the other kids with healthy gender identities curtains to hide behind or license to use toilet stalls to change.

In an eerie statement, Education Secretary John King—whom leading Republicans made sure would get confirmed despite his very public failures as New York’s education commissioner including his ardent, widely opposed support for Common Core—described the situation in a way that could apply both to gender-disordered children and opposite-sex children forced to get naked next to them at school.

“No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus,” he said. “We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.” All children should be free from discrimination and harassment. Except the at-minimum 99.7 percent of kids who aren’t transgender. They just need to suck it up.

Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick unwittingly provided perhaps the best response to the federal trans steamroller in a statement this week about Fort Worth Superintendent Kent Scribner’s enactment of a similar policy before this recent increase in federal pressure. Patrick first called on Fort Worth parents to fire Scribner for “plac[ing] his own personal political agenda ahead of the more than 86,000 students attending 146 schools in the district…” Then, he hit the real everymother’s reaction (translated into lawmaker): “this may be an example of the need for the Legislature to pass a meaningful School Choice Bill.”

He’s right. Given the federal government’s stranglehold over public schools, school choice programs may be the only hope for parents who want to protect their children’s minds and souls but cannot homeschool or afford private school outright—meaning, most of us.

Charlotte Observer: Girls must overcome 'discomfort' at seeing male genitals in locker room

A shocking editorial in the Charlotte Observer counseled young girls to get over the "discomfort" they feel at the sight of male genitalia when transgender facilities are allowed in North Carolina.

The newspaper assumes the law will eventually be repealed or declared illegal. While that may or may not happen any time soon, it is the justification for this position used by the Observer that reveals the true nature of this battle of the bathroom.
Washington Times:
“This is what the Obama administration nudged the rest of the country toward Friday,” the editorial said. “Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms — and vice versa — might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort — with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage — then realizing it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.”
The notion that the Obama administration is "nudging" anything is laughable. The Obama Justice Department is shoving this rule down the throats of Americans, most of whom oppose the policy.
How is this issue remotely connected to race relations? It isn't, but gullible Americans will believe it, despite the disconnect from reality. Black and white people did not choose their race. By its very definition, transgendered people choose their gender identity. That's a monumental difference hidden in this politically correct message.
While admitting that exposure to male genitalia is a possible outcome of transgender bathroom laws, the editorial said the notion that such laws constitute a threat to the privacy and safety of women and children is a “political fiction” pushed by Republicans.
“Those safety issues are political fiction — non-transgender men wouldn’t have been allowed in women’s bathrooms under the Charlotte ordinance that HB 2 killed, and the 200 or so cities with similar ordinances have had no incidents involving bathroom predators,” the editorial said
So, biological men enter the bathroom used by biological women and this is not threat to the privacy of women? What spaceship brought this alien to earth? 

As for the safety of women, liberals believe that attacks by men in women's rooms will be rare, so it's ok - except,of course, for the parents of a young girl who is molested on one of those "rare" occassions. 
But "progress" demands we make those kinds of sacrifices, you ignorant hillbillies. 

When a man exposes himself on the street in front of a teenage girl, the police always offer the services of a psychologist to the young woman to help her deal with the trauma of seeing a male penis. Liberals will claim the context is different in a locker room or bathroom. That's nonsense. To a teenage girl, a penis is a penis and context is meaningless. 

But to the Charlotte Observer and the Obama administration, teenage girls being exposed to the sight of male genitals is something to be "overcome." In this lunatic world, we place the burden of transgender progress on young girls, telling them to just get over it.

A shocking editorial in the Charlotte Observer counseled young girls to get over the "discomfort" they feel at the sight of male genitalia when transgender facilities are allowed in North Carolina.
The newspaper assumes the law will eventually be repealed or declared illegal. While that may or may not happen any time soon, it is the justification for this position used by the Observer that reveals the true nature of this battle of the bathroom.
Washington Times:
“This is what the Obama administration nudged the rest of the country toward Friday,” the editorial said. “Yes, the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms — and vice versa — might be distressing to some. But the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort — with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage — then realizing it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.”
The notion that the Obama administration is "nudging" anything is laughable. The Obama Justice Department is shoving this rule down the throats of Americans, most of whom oppose the policy.
How is this issue remotely connected to race relations? It isn't, but gullible Americans will believe it, despite the disconnect from reality. Black and white people did not choose their race. By its very definition, transgendered people choose their gender identity. That's a monumental difference hidden in this politically correct message.
While admitting that exposure to male genitalia is a possible outcome of transgender bathroom laws, the editorial said the notion that such laws constitute a threat to the privacy and safety of women and children is a “political fiction” pushed by Republicans.
“Those safety issues are political fiction — non-transgender men wouldn’t have been allowed in women’s bathrooms under the Charlotte ordinance that HB 2 killed, and the 200 or so cities with similar ordinances have had no incidents involving bathroom predators,” the editorial said
So, biological men enter the bathroom used by biological women and this is not threat to the privacy of women?

What spaceship brought this alien to earth? 

As for the safety of women, liberals believe that attacks by men in women's rooms will be rare, so it's ok - except,of course, for the parents of a young girl who is molested on one of those "rare" occassions. 

But "progress" demands we make those kinds of sacrifices, you ignorant hillbillies. 

When a man exposes himself on the street in front of a teenage girl, the police always offer the services of a psychologist to the young woman to help her deal with the trauma of seeing a male penis. Liberals will claim the context is different in a locker room or bathroom. That's nonsense. To a teenage girl, a penis is a penis and context is meaningless. 

But to the Charlotte Observer and the Obama administration, teenage girls being exposed to the sight of male genitals is something to be "overcome." In this lunatic world, we place the burden of transgender progress on young girls, telling them to just get over it.


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