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Saturday, July 16, 2016

On Black Lives Matter (but not those who shoot each other nor those aborted in clinics)

Here's where I stand on BLM. First, from Frontpage Mag:

It’s Time to Designate Black Lives Matter a Terrorist Organization--Inciting a war against police is terrorism.
July 11, 2016 Frontpage Editors

At a Black Lives Matter (BLM) rally in Dallas yesterday, demonstrators protested the recent shootings of two African American men by white police officers in Minnesota and Louisiana. “Enough is enough!” the marchers shouted while they held signs bearing slogans like: “If all lives matter, why are black ones taken so easily?” Then, as we now know, an assassin opened fire on the law-enforcement officers who were on duty at the rally. Four policemen and one transit officer were killed, and six additional police were wounded.

No analysis of this atrocity would be complete without noting the now-indisputable fact that every word uttered by BLM and its mouthpieces is an unadulterated lie. The entire self-identified purpose of this movement—which is to demand “an immediate end to police brutality and [to] the murder of Black people and all oppressed people”—is rendered utterly fictitious by a single statement of fact: Of all suspects who are killed by police in the US each year, 41.7% are white, 20.3% are Hispanic, and 31.7% are black—even as blacks account for 38.5% of all arrests for violent crimes, which are the types of crimes most likely to trigger a confrontation with police that could result in a fatality.

These numbers do not in any way suggest a lack of restraint by police in their dealings with black suspects. They suggest precisely the opposite. And that's the dirty little secret. Evidence of systemic racism in police shootings simply doesn't exist. Anywhere.

The premise underlying BLM's whole mission is a lie.

And, of course, justice for brutal and unnecessary loss of black life was never the real agenda of BLM anyway. This fact is painfully evidenced by the vast and ever-accumulating body count of black murders committed predominately by other blacks — every incident of which is met with silence by BLM’s race agitators. Rather, BLM was always a hate group animated not by a desire to save lives, but to take them. Its message is one of hate; for white people, for black people who did not follow its radical agenda, and for the entire nation.

Last night the BLM joined the ranks of major terrorist organizations.

A suspect in the attack last night had made it clear to a negotiator that, inspired to anger to anger by the BLM movement, he wanted to kill “white people” and especially “white officers.”

That’s what racism looks like. That’s what terrorism looks like.

What happened in Dallas was inevitable. It was not an isolated incident. Just ask the families of Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, murdered by BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Brinsley over a BLM cause.

The assassination of the two NYPD officers bore a striking resemblance to the Dallas attack. Had the media and their Democratic allies backed away from their unthinking support of BLM, Dallas need not have happened. Instead the media continued pushing its drumbeat of lies.

Yet BLM case after BLM case collapsed. The Freddie Gray hoax, which wrecked a city, proved hollow, just as the Michael Brown case had. And yet every Democrat, from Obama on down, did not waver.

Dallas is the defining line. The targeted murder of five police officers is a clear terror attack.

And the cause was the incitement by BLM and its media and political allies against police officers. BLM and its media propagandists have spent years portraying cops as killers out to exterminate the black community. What happened in Dallas was a direct result of that exterminationist rhetoric.

BLM’s message is that the country and its police officers are out to commit “genocide” against “brown bodies,” that the nation is illegitimate and that police officers are racist killers. Instead of being shunned, this rhetoric was rewarded, as when literary darling Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote that police officers “were not human to me.” For his hate speech, Coates received a MacArthur Genius Grant.

Some agreed with Coates. They saw police officers as less than human and killed them.

We cannot forget the origins of the Dallas attack in such rhetoric or BLM protesters chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.” If we forget, then the next BLM terrorist attack will be our responsibility.

And while we can respect the rights of even hate groups to operate, we cannot tolerate terrorist organizations. It’s time to shut down BLM before the next shooting happens.

The National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund has recorded a very significant spike in police officer deaths. Last June, Chief Brown responded to the shooting attack at DPD headquarters by saying, “Go to a restaurant with us one time. Go eat lunch with us. We’re never going to sit with our back to the door.”

But it’s impossible to stop everyone who wants to kill a police officer. And it’s time we turned our attention to those who are behind the attacks.

The media is still repeating the same lies that we heard in Ferguson or Baltimore about “peaceful protests” suddenly turning violent. But those lies won’t fly anymore. The protests were never peaceful. When they become openly violent, it’s not a radical shift but an implementation of their core message.

BLM is a terrorist movement, and it should be designated as such by the U.S. government. It started out as the KKK. Now it’s evolving into Al Qaeda with an ideological core that promotes the idea of a total war while “lone wolves” do its dirty work. It’s time to hold it — and its supporters — accountable. It’s up to us to see that Dallas never happens again.

From around the web:

According to the mainstream media, Black Lives Matter is a peaceful group fighting for civil rights. But this narrative flies in the face of hard truths concerning Black Lives Matter's conduct since its inception in 2012.

Especially in light of the recent acts of anarchy and cop assassinations committed by members and sympathizers of the movement, it's important that the public know exactly what this group participates in and stands for.

Here are five facts that support the Hypothesis:

1. Black Lives Matter pushes a false narrative based on lies.

Leaders in the Black Lives Matter movement have expressed outrage over white cops allegedly targeting and murdering black men in cold blood with racial animus. The movement has depicted such horrors as an “epidemic.”

But such a narrative is false; statistical evidence has wholly debunked these claims and a new study has actually found no racial bias against blacks in police shootings.

Further, even the blown-up stories in the media helping to build the false narrative are built on lies: The Black Lives Matter movement earned its claim to fame by promoting the lie that Michael Brown was fatally shot by white officer Darren Wilson while he was surrendering with his "hands up."

This is false. It never happened. Instead, Brown was believed to have been reaching for Wilson’s gun moments before he was shot and killed in an act of self-defense. This was evidenced in the Justice Department’s own investigation, which completely exonerated Wilson of wrongdoing.

Still, even today, Black Lives Matter protesters chant the lie over and over again.

2. Black Lives Matter calls for anarchy, and they follow through on it.

Black Lives Matter protesters’ staple chant is “no justice, no peace.” They have also explicitly called to “dismantle this system.”

And yes, they act on those calls for anarchy.

For instance, in response to the acquittal and total exoneration of law enforcement office Darren Wilson, movement members set the city of Ferguson, Missouri on fire. Innocent people had their businesses trashed and looted while the peaceful people of Missouri (black and white alike) awakened to find their city in shambles, literally on fire.

Further, just this weekend, over 300 people were arrested at Black Lives Matter protests held in New York, Chicago, Minnesota and Louisiana.

3. Black Lives Matter has explicitly called for dead cops and the “lynching” of white people.

Black Lives Matter members have disturbingly called for the murder of innocent white people, white police officers in particular.

At a Black Lives Matter protest held in Portland, Oregon on Sunday, one attendee told fellow protesters to evade the law and murder cops if they feel they have been targeted by an officer for a crime they did not commit:

Black Lives Matter protesters chant “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!” at the rallies.

Black Lives Matter protesters chant “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!” in response to the death of Eric Garner: A radio host affiliated with Black Lives Matter agrees with an anonymous caller demanding that white people be a "sacrifice" for alleged racially-motivated police brutality. The caller suggests that after black people murder innocent white people, they should "hang them from a tree, take pictures of it and send it to mother f*ckers."

4. Black Lives Matter has pushed for segregation, even from Black Lives Matter sympathizers and their own members who are not black.
In November of 2015, Black Lives Matter members openly promoted segregation: "Activists" at the University of Missouri demanded a “blacks only healing space” where white “allies” and sympathizers of their cause were kicked out. This counterproductive move was in response to perceived “racial injustices” and “white privilege” at the college.

Earlier this month, Black Lives Matter members reportedly refused to sell a white supporter of the movement a Black Lives Matter t-shirt because of the color of his skin. Apparently the t-shirts were reserved for blacks only.

5. The Obama Administration has legitimized Black Lives Matter.

Despite all the racist, hateful acts committed and promoted by members of the Black Lives Matter movement, our president continuously legitimizes the group.

As recent as February of this year, Mr. Obama invited race-hustlers and prominent Black Lives Matter figures such as Deray McKesson to speak about race at the White House. He reportedly told McKesson and the other so-called "activists" that they have done "outstanding work" and "made history."

"We've got some young people here who are making history as we speak," said Obama. "People like Brittany [Packnett] who served on our Police Task Force in the wake of Ferguson and has led many of the protests that took place there and shined a light on the injustice that was happening. People like Deray McKesson who has done some outstanding work mobilizing in Baltimore around these issues -- and to see generations who are continuing to work on behalf of justice and equality and economic opportunity is greatly encouraging to me."

Of course, the left as a whole, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and the mainstream media at large, have also pitched in to legitimize and pander to the hate group.

But the best of all comes from Rudy Giuliani:

Giuliani: Black Lives Matter 'inherently racist,' black people should respect police
Published: July 11, 2016 at 8:27 AM
Andrew V. Pestano

NEW YORK, July 11 (UPI) --NEW YORK, July 11 (UPI) -- Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Black Lives Matter is "inherently racist" and suggested the movement should focus on black people killing other black people.
During an interview with CBS News' Face the Nation on Sunday, Giuliani said the Black Lives Matters movement focuses too much on police killing black people, which "happens rarely although with tremendous attention," and not enough effort focusing on black-on-black violence, "which happens every 14 hours in Chicago."
Giuliani, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, said African-American parents should teach their children to respect police and to avoid violence in their own communities.
"If I were a black father and I was concerned about the safety of my child, really concerned about it and not in a politically activist sense, I would say be very respectful to the police, most of them are good, some can be very bad and just be very careful," he said. "I'd also say be very careful of those kids in the neighborhood, don't get involved with them because, son, there's a 99 percent chance they're going to kill you -- not the police."

Giuliani, who has often said the Black Lives Matter movement threatens police officers, said African Americans increase tension in music and pop culture through "rap songs about killing police officers and they talk about killing police officers and they yell it out at their rallies."
"When you say Black Lives Matter, that's inherently racist. Black lives matter. White lives matter. Asian lives matter. Hispanic lives mater. That's anti-American and it's racist," Giuliani said.
Giuliani said white people should understand that "African-American men have a fear -- and boys have a fear -- of being confronted by the police ... some people may consider it rational, some people may consider it irrational ... but it's a reality, it exists."
Black Lives Matters defines itself as an "ideological and political intervention in a world where black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise."
Giuliani's comments came days after five police officers in Dallas were killed during a protest over recent police-related killings of black men. The shooter, later killed by a police-controlled robot, allegedly told police he was targeting them to make them pay for the police-related killings.

© 2016 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Last but not least, Obama deserves blame on his role in this:

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